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Citrix Workspace app.Citrix citrix receiver
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Share this page. Windows 10 OS greater than or equal to Citrix Receiver for Universal Windows Platform will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft store. Receiver for Windows Store Edition will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft store Note : This edition of Citrix Receiver is based on the existing Win 32 Receiver and built using the Microsoft Desktop Bridge technology.
Citrix Workspace app for Android. Citrix Workspace app for ChromeOS. Citrix Workspace app for iOS. Citrix Workspace app for Linux. Citrix Workspace app for Mac. Citrix Workspace app for Microsoft Teams. Citrix Workspace app for Windows. Citrix Workspace app for Windows Store.
Citrix Workspace browser extension. App Protection. Contextual App Protection for Workspace. Contextual App Protection for StoreFront. App Protection for hybrid launch for Workspace. App Protection for hybrid launch for StoreFront. Citrix Enterprise Browser. Citrix Workspace release timelines. Citrix Workspace app feature matrix. Document History. Aviso legal. Este texto foi traduzido automaticamente. Este artigo foi traduzido automaticamente. When powered by Citrix Workspace services, the new Citrix Workspace app gives users instant access to all their SaaS and web apps, their files and mobile apps, and their virtual apps and desktops from an easy-to-use, all-in-one interface.
Citrix Workspace app is a single point of entry to all workspace services for users. Users get seamless and secure access to all the apps that they need to stay productive, including features such as embedded browsing and single sign-on. With this integration, all your data is accessible within Citrix Workspace app. The ability to upload and download files and even open files within Citrix Workspace app are now integrated into one application. Citrix Workspace app is enhanced to deliver more capabilities regarding data loss prevention, secure access to SaaS apps, secure internet browsing capabilities, advanced search, and more.
For information about the features available in Citrix Workspace app, see Citrix Workspace app feature matrix. The Citrix Workspace apps are adapted for use in languages other than English. This section lists the supported languages in the latest release of Citrix Workspace apps. The following table lists the languages supported for the Citrix Workspace app on various operating systems or platforms.
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